XenDirect API Dashboard

Version 2.8.0


SectionCalendarResource DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /sectioncalendar/{calID}

URI Tokens: (required)

Request Body:



SectionCalendarResource represents a single SectionCalendarModel.

License level required: Course Only

Returns a single SectionCalendarModel.
required numeric calID
optional boolean _cached (default: true)
Pass false to bypass caching and force a data refresh. It is recommended that you do not use this option unless you absolutely need up-to-the-minute data, due to the potential degradation of API performance.

SectionCalendarCollection DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /sectioncalendar

Request Body:



SectionCalendarCollection represents a PagedCollection of SectionCalendarModels.

License level required: Course Only

Get a collection of SectionCalendar.

Returns a PagedCollection containing SectionCalendarModels.

optional numeric calID
optional numeric schID
optional numeric _offset (default: 0)
Pagination: the number of records to skip relative to the requested sort order
optional numeric _limit (default: 25)
Pagination: the maximum number of records to return
optional boolean _cached (default: true)
Pass false to bypass caching and force a data refresh. It is recommended that you do not use this option unless you absolutely need up-to-the-minute data, due to the potential degradation of API performance.

FeeGroupResource DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /fee-groups/{groID}

URI Tokens: (required)

Request Body:



FeeGroupResource represents a single FeeGroupModel.

License level required: Full Access

Returns a single FeeGroupModel.
required numeric groID
optional boolean _cached (default: true)
Pass false to bypass caching and force a data refresh. It is recommended that you do not use this option unless you absolutely need up-to-the-minute data, due to the potential degradation of API performance.

FeeGroupCollection DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /fee-groups

Request Body:



FeeGroupCollection represents a PagedCollection of FeeGroupModels.

License level required: Full Access

Get a collection of fee groups.

Returns a PagedCollection containing FeeGroupModels.

optional numeric branchID
optional numeric _offset (default: 0)
Pagination: the number of records to skip relative to the requested sort order
optional numeric _limit (default: 25)
Pagination: the maximum number of records to return
optional boolean _cached (default: true)
Pass false to bypass caching and force a data refresh. It is recommended that you do not use this option unless you absolutely need up-to-the-minute data, due to the potential degradation of API performance.

CourseResource DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /courses/{schID}

URI Tokens: (required)

Request Body:



CourseResource represents a single CourseModel.

License level required: Course Only

Returns a single CourseModel.
required numeric schID
optional boolean _cached (default: true)
Pass false to bypass caching and force a data refresh. It is recommended that you do not use this option unless you absolutely need up-to-the-minute data, due to the potential degradation of API performance.

CourseCollection DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /courses

Request Body:



CourseCollection represents a PagedCollection of CourseModels.

License level required: Course Only

Get a collection of courses.

Returns a PagedCollection containing CourseModels.

optional numeric branchID (default: 1)
optional numeric catID
optional numeric sesID
optional string session
Accepts a comma separated list from your Sessions
optional string category
optional string courseTitle
optional string courseID
optional string sectionID
optional string courseCode
optional string program
optional string format
Accepts a comma separated list from your Course Formats (Online,Classroom,Hybrid)
optional string courseStatus
optional boolean displayOnline (default: true)
optional boolean sessionDisplayOnline (default: true)
optional boolean displayCart (default: true)
optional string product
optional numeric prgID
optional string keyword
optional string vendor
Options: Ed2Go, Ed2go CTP, Ed4Online, ProTrain, Sakai
optional string facility
Accepts a comma separated list from your Facilities
optional string startDateBegin
yyyy-mm-dd, startDate is greater-than-or-equal-to. returns NULL startDateBegin
optional string startDateEnd
yyyy-mm-dd, startDate is less-than-or-equal-to. returns NULL startDateBegin
optional string endDateBegin
yyyy-mm-dd, endDate is greater-than-or-equal-to.returns NULL endDateBegin
optional string endDateEnd
yyyy-mm-dd, endDate is less-than-or-equal-to.returns NULL endDateEnd
optional string displayDate
yyyy-mm-dd, endDate is less-than-or-equal-to
optional string expireDate
yyyy-mm-dd, displayDate is greater-than-or-equal-to
optional string dateNewFlag
yyyy-mm-dd, diplays courses with a New Flag Expire Date greater than the date you pass in
optional string daysOfWeek
Options: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
optional string orderBy (default: title)
Options: 'title,startDate', startDate, category, vendor, facility, session
optional numeric _offset (default: 0)
Pagination: the number of records to skip relative to the requested sort order
optional numeric _limit (default: 25)
Pagination: the maximum number of records to return
optional boolean _cached (default: true)
Pass false to bypass caching and force a data refresh. It is recommended that you do not use this option unless you absolutely need up-to-the-minute data, due to the potential degradation of API performance.

ClientPasswordResource DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /clients/{cliID}/password

URI Tokens: (required)

Request Body:



ClientPasswordResource checks the password for a single client.

License level required: Full Access

Returns true if the client's password is correct, false if the password is incorrect.
required numeric cliID
required string password

ClientAssignmentResource DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /clients/{cliID}/assignments/{assID}

URI Tokens: (required)

Request Body:



DEPRECATED: Use AssignmentResource instead.

ClientAssignmentResource represents a single ClientAssignmentModel.

License level required: Full Access

Returns a single ClientAssignmentModel.
required numeric assID
required numeric cliID
optional boolean _cached (default: true)
Pass false to bypass caching and force a data refresh. It is recommended that you do not use this option unless you absolutely need up-to-the-minute data, due to the potential degradation of API performance.
Updates a client assignment.

Returns the updated ClientAssignmentModel.

required numeric assID
required numeric cliID
optional string enrollmentStatus
Options: Applicant/Waiting List, Applicant/Inquiry, Applicant/Registered, Applicant/Incomplete Application, Applicant/Declined Application, Approved Visitor, Enrolled/Active, Enrolled/OnHold, Completed-Satisfactory, Completed-Unsatisfactory, Did Not Complete-Other, Did Not Complete-No Show, Did Not Complete-Incomplete, Did Not Complete-Dropped, Did Not Complete-Failed, Did Not Complete-Refunded, Did Not Complete-Transferred, Did Not Enroll, Did Not Enroll-Course Cancelled, Did Not Complete-Substituted, Aggregate/Company
optional numeric creditsEarned
optional string grade
optional string assDateEnd
optional boolean _body (default: true)
Pass false to prevent the return of resource data. Instead of a 200 with data, you will receive an empty 204 on success.

ClientAssignmentCollection DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /clients/{cliID}/assignments

URI Tokens: (required)

Request Body:



ClientAssignmentCollection represents a PagedCollection of ClientAssignmentModels.

License level required: Full Access

Get a collection of client assignments.

Returns a PagedCollection containing ClientAssignmentModels.

required numeric cliID
optional numeric schID
optional string courseCode
optional numeric branchID
optional string ven (default: "")
Empty string or 'KD'
optional numeric _offset (default: 0)
Pagination: the number of records to skip relative to the requested sort order
optional numeric _limit (default: 25)
Pagination: the maximum number of records to return
optional boolean _cached (default: true)
Pass false to bypass caching and force a data refresh. It is recommended that you do not use this option unless you absolutely need up-to-the-minute data, due to the potential degradation of API performance.

ClientResource DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /clients/{cliID}

URI Tokens: (required)

Request Body:



ClientResource represents a single ClientModel.

License level required: Full Access

Returns a single ClientModel.
required numeric cliID
optional boolean _cached (default: true)
Pass false to bypass caching and force a data refresh. It is recommended that you do not use this option unless you absolutely need up-to-the-minute data, due to the potential degradation of API performance.
Updates a client.

Returns the updated ClientModel.

required numeric cliID
optional string userName
Must be unique
optional string altID1
optional string altID2
optional string lastName
optional string firstName
optional string mailAddress1
optional string mailAddress2
optional string mailCity
Must send both mailCity and mailZip to change
optional string mailZip
Must send both mailCity and mailZip to change
optional string email
Must be a valid email address
optional string email2
Must be a valid email address
optional string homePhone
US Format '(999) 999-9999' or unformatted, depending on setting in Branch profile
optional string mobilePhone
US Format '(999) 999-9999' or unformatted, depending on setting in Branch profile
optional string workPhone
US Format '(999) 999-9999' or unformatted, depending on setting in Branch profile
optional string clientMergeField
optional string birthDate
Date Format 'yyyy-mm-dd'
optional boolean _body (default: true)
Pass false to prevent the return of resource data. Instead of a 200 with data, you will receive an empty 204 on success.

ClientCollection DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /clients

Request Body:



ClientCollection represents a PagedCollection of ClientModels.

License level required: Full Access

Get a collection of clients.

Returns a PagedCollection containing ClientModels.

optional string userName
optional string clientID
optional string lastName
optional string firstName
optional numeric branchID
optional numeric _offset (default: 0)
Pagination: the number of records to skip relative to the requested sort order
optional numeric _limit (default: 25)
Pagination: the maximum number of records to return
optional boolean _cached (default: true)
Pass false to bypass caching and force a data refresh. It is recommended that you do not use this option unless you absolutely need up-to-the-minute data, due to the potential degradation of API performance.
Inserts a client.

Returns the new ClientModel.

optional string clientID
Must be unique. Do not pass for auto-generated clientID.
optional string userName
Optional. Must be unique.
optional string altID1
optional string altID2
required string lastName
required string firstName
optional string mailAddress1
optional string mailAddress2
optional string mailCity
Must send both mailCity and mailZip to change
optional string mailZip
Must send both mailCity and mailZip to change
optional string email
Must be a valid email address. Required when userName is supplied.
optional string email2
Must be a valid email address.
optional string homePhone
US Format '(999) 999-9999' or unformatted, depending on setting in Branch profile
optional string mobilePhone
US Format '(999) 999-9999' or unformatted, depending on setting in Branch profile
optional string workPhone
US Format '(999) 999-9999' or unformatted, depending on setting in Branch profile
optional string birthDate
Date Format 'yyyy-mm-dd'
optional string clientMergeField
optional any branches
Pass branch access for Client. Can be array of Branch IDs e.g. [1,2], list of Branch IDs e.g. "1,2" or array of objects e.g. [{"braID":1},{"braID":2}]. If this is not passed, branches will be added based on branch sharing configuration.
optional any feeGroups
Pass up to one FeeGroup per Branch. Can be array of FeeGroup IDs e.g. [1,2], list of FeeGroup IDs e.g. "1,2" or array of objects e.g. [{"groID":1},{"groID":2}]. If this is not passed, or a partial list is passed, clientFeeGroups will be added based on the branch default.
optional boolean _body (default: true)
Pass false to prevent the return of resource data. Instead of a 200 with data, you will receive an empty 204 on success.

ClientProfileResource DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /client-profiles/{cpfID}

URI Tokens: (required)

Request Body:



ClientProfileResource represents a single ClientProfileModel.

License level required: Full Access

Returns a single ClientProfileModel.
required numeric cpfID
optional boolean _cached (default: true)
Pass false to bypass caching and force a data refresh. It is recommended that you do not use this option unless you absolutely need up-to-the-minute data, due to the potential degradation of API performance.

ClientProfileCollection DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /client-profiles

Request Body:



ClientProfileCollection represents a PagedCollection of ClientProfileModels.

License level required: Full Access

Get a collection of client-profiles.

Returns a PagedCollection containing ClientProfileModels.

optional numeric cpfID
optional numeric cliID
optional numeric branchID
optional numeric _offset (default: 0)
Pagination: the number of records to skip relative to the requested sort order
optional numeric _limit (default: 25)
Pagination: the maximum number of records to return
optional boolean _cached (default: true)
Pass false to bypass caching and force a data refresh. It is recommended that you do not use this option unless you absolutely need up-to-the-minute data, due to the potential degradation of API performance.

ClientFeeGroupResource DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /client-fee-groups/{cfgID}

URI Tokens: (required)

Request Body:



ClientFeeGroupResource represents a single ClientFeeGroupModel.

License level required: Full Access

Returns a single ClientFeeGroupModel.
required numeric cfgID
optional boolean _cached (default: true)
Pass false to bypass caching and force a data refresh. It is recommended that you do not use this option unless you absolutely need up-to-the-minute data, due to the potential degradation of API performance.

ClientFeeGroupCollection DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /client-fee-groups

Request Body:



ClientFeeGroupCollection represents a PagedCollection of ClientFeeGroupModels.

License level required: Full Access

Get a collection of client-fee groups.

Returns a PagedCollection containing ClientFeeGroupModels.

optional numeric cfgID
optional numeric cliID
optional numeric groID
optional numeric branchID
optional numeric _offset (default: 0)
Pagination: the number of records to skip relative to the requested sort order
optional numeric _limit (default: 25)
Pagination: the maximum number of records to return
optional boolean _cached (default: true)
Pass false to bypass caching and force a data refresh. It is recommended that you do not use this option unless you absolutely need up-to-the-minute data, due to the potential degradation of API performance.

BranchResource DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /branches/{branchID}

URI Tokens: (required)

Request Body:



BranchResource represents a single BranchModel.

License level required: Full Access

Returns a single BranchModel.
required numeric branchID
optional boolean _cached (default: true)
Pass false to bypass caching and force a data refresh. It is recommended that you do not use this option unless you absolutely need up-to-the-minute data, due to the potential degradation of API performance.

BranchCollection DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /branches

Request Body:



BranchCollection represents a PagedCollection of BranchModels.

License level required: Full Access

Get a collection of branches.

Returns a PagedCollection containing BranchModels.

optional numeric branchID
optional string braName
optional numeric _offset (default: 0)
Pagination: the number of records to skip relative to the requested sort order
optional numeric _limit (default: 25)
Pagination: the maximum number of records to return
optional boolean _cached (default: true)
Pass false to bypass caching and force a data refresh. It is recommended that you do not use this option unless you absolutely need up-to-the-minute data, due to the potential degradation of API performance.

AuthenticationResource DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /authentication

Request Body:



AuthenticationResource represents an AuthenticationResult. Users must provide API credentials to obtain an authentication token for access to API resources using the post method.

Authenticates an API user. Returns an AuthenticationResult containing the token and expiration on success, or error message on failure.
required string apiKey
required numeric organizationId

AssignmentResource DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /assignments/{assID}

URI Tokens: (required)

Request Body:



AssignmentResource represents a single ClientAssignmentModel.

License level required: Full Access

Returns a single ClientAssignmentModel.
required numeric assID
optional boolean _cached (default: true)
Pass false to bypass caching and force a data refresh. It is recommended that you do not use this option unless you absolutely need up-to-the-minute data, due to the potential degradation of API performance.
Updates a client assignment.

Returns the updated ClientAssignmentModel.

required numeric assID
optional string enrollmentStatus
Options: Applicant/Waiting List, Applicant/Inquiry, Applicant/Registered, Applicant/Incomplete Application, Applicant/Declined Application, Approved Visitor, Enrolled/Active, Enrolled/OnHold, Completed-Satisfactory, Completed-Unsatisfactory, Did Not Complete-Other, Did Not Complete-No Show, Did Not Complete-Incomplete, Did Not Complete-Dropped, Did Not Complete-Failed, Did Not Complete-Refunded, Did Not Complete-Transferred, Did Not Enroll, Did Not Enroll-Course Cancelled, Did Not Complete-Substituted, Aggregate/Company
optional numeric creditsEarned
optional string grade
optional string assDateEnd
optional boolean _body (default: true)
Pass false to prevent the return of resource data. Instead of a 200 with data, you will receive an empty 204 on success.

AssignmentCollection DELETE PATCH PUT POST GET /assignments

Request Body:



AssignmentCollection represents a PagedCollection of ClientAssignmentModels.

License level required: Full Access

Get a collection of client assignments.

Returns a PagedCollection containing ClientAssignmentModels.

optional numeric cliID
optional numeric schID
optional string courseCode
optional numeric branchID
optional string startDateBegin
yyyy-mm-dd, assDateStart is greater-than-or-equal-to
optional string startDateEnd
yyyy-mm-dd, assDateStart is less-than-or-equal-to
optional string ven (default: "")
Empty string or 'KD'
optional numeric _offset (default: 0)
Pagination: the number of records to skip relative to the requested sort order
optional numeric _limit (default: 25)
Pagination: the maximum number of records to return
optional boolean _cached (default: true)
Pass false to bypass caching and force a data refresh. It is recommended that you do not use this option unless you absolutely need up-to-the-minute data, due to the potential degradation of API performance.

Resources are listed in matching order. From top to bottom, the first URI to match the request is used.